St. Marie's Catholic Primary School
Curriculum Documents
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St Marie’s Catholic Primary School Curriculum Guide MATHS
"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding." – William Paul Thurston
At Saint Marie’s we are mathematicians
Mathematics programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2 (
Our Maths provision at St. Marie’s aims to build a curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills so that all pupils know more, remember more and understand more.
At Saint Marie’s we intend all pupils to:
Become fluent and accurate in the fundamentals of mathematics
Develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, identifying relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems
Apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects and everyday life
Become confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks
Be able to use a range of written and mental methods for calculations and choose the most appropriate and efficient method for a particular task
At St. Marie's we implement our approach through quality first teaching and the delivery of appropriately pitched work for all groups of learners, supported by the materials from White Rose Maths, Deepening Understanding and Classroom Secrets.
Embedded throughout lessons are the Principles of Mastery:
Lesson Design
High expectations for all
Whole Class Teaching
Fluency, number facts and conceptual understanding
Use of stem sentences
Learning deeply
Task adaption by scaffolding and depth
Lessons are broken down into small, connected steps, providing access for all children and the ability to apply their knowledge and skills to a range of concepts.
Representations are used in lessons to expose the mathematical structure being taught.
Mathematical thinking encourages the pupils to think, reason and discuss ideas and strategies within their classroom environment.
Pupils become fluent mathematicians through quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics. Variation is built over a sequence of lessons and representing concepts in more than one way.
Foundation Stage
Pupils in Foundation Stage will access their maths learning through whole class lessons and continuous provision. Mathematical concepts are introduced and built upon through a series of direct teaching sessions. Within the provision, children have the freedom to further explore these mathematical concepts through concrete resources and creative opportunities. In addition to this, they are encouraged to follow their own mathematical lines of enquiry, which are supported through effective adult modelling and interactions. Maths is supported by resources from White Rose Maths and NCETM Mastering Number.
In Y1 through to Y6, Maths lessons are planned and delivered using White Rose Maths as the spine. It is underpinned by the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach. Classrooms have a range of mathematical resources made available for children in each key stage. These include, but are not limited to, Numicon, Base 10, place value counters, bead string, number lines, digit cards and hundred squares. Varied starting points and timely teacher interventions are utilised in response to teachers' ongoing formative assessments through effective deployment of teaching assistants.
In addition to daily maths lessons, EYFS, Y1 and Y2 use the NCETM Mastering Number program which aims for all children to leave KS1 with fluency in calculations and confidence and flexibility with numbers.
Y3 to Y6 provide opportunities for all children to practise their mental and calculation knowledge. This serves to reinforce and consolidate previous learning; increase fluency, speed and accuracy; and improve confidence.
Regular use of Doodle TimesTables within school and home enables children to practise multiplication and division knowledge
We want the children at St. Marie's to be confident mathematicians confidently know WHAT the maths required in a question is (WHEN?); HOW to approach an unfamiliar question and its efficiency (WHY?)
Throughout each lesson formative assessment takes place and feedback is given to the children through marking and verbal feedback. Teacher's then use this assessment to influence their planning and ensure they are providing a mathematics curriculum that will allow all children to progress.
The teaching of maths is monitored on a termly basis through regular book looks, learning walks and lesson observations. Each term, children from Year 1 and above complete a summative assessment to help them to develop their testing approach and demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered, using NFER. Years 2 and 6 also use previous SATs papers. The results from both the formative assessment and are used to inform future planning and interventions.
The majority of the children achieve the Age Related Expectations for their year group. Children have quick recall of facts and procedures appropriate for their cohort. Pupils have the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics i.e. from concrete to pictorial to symbolic. Children recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics. They use mathematical language to explain their idea and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
Summative (termly)- NFER with standardisation (Y1 – Y6)
Summative/ diagnostic – Test Base, previous SATs (Y2 and Y6)
Formative / ongoing – through marking, assessment and feedback Moderation: a) In-house b) CLASS (local) c) Local Authority