St. Marie's Catholic Primary School
Prayer & Worship
At St. Marie’s we cherish the distinctive nature of being a Catholic School. We want our children to have Christ at the centre of all they do. We strive for all areas of our school’s curriculum in some way contribute to the spiritual development of our pupils. We strive to help our pupils understand the way God works in our lives and in the wider spectrum, and thus exploring beneath and beyond mere factual knowledge. This being said, the ‘Come and See’ programme and the Collective Worship themes, provide a more formal framework in which children can develop a sense of feeling the presence of God in their lives, have opportunities to reflect upon their own personal existence and make sense of the world in which they live. They experience the teachings of the Gospels and stories through which they become familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus.
We hold Collective Worship sessions in class twice a week, teachers present on Tuesday and Chidlren in our GIFT team present on Thursday throughout school. Our worship team are a group of enthusiastic Year 6 children who are committed to spreading faith throughout school. They have atteneded meetings, retreat days, climate conferences and raised money for The Brick and CAFOD.