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MRS F JACKSON - Headteacher,  DSL

MRS N BUNTING - Deputy Headteacher, YR Class Teacher, SENCO, Deputy DSL

MRS S STYLES - Assistant Headteacher, Y6 Class Teacher, RE Lead, Deputy DSL

MRS A HAWKINS - Y4 Class Teacher, Joint English Lead & History Lead

MRS D PRICE - Y4 Class Teacher, SENDco

MRS J CHEAP - Y2 Class Teacher, Joint English Lead & PSHE 

MRS C WHITTLE - Y2 Class Teacher and HLTA. Music lead

MISS L SHAW - Y3 Class Teacher, PE/Sport and Science Lead

MRS C WATERWORTH - Y1 Class Teacher, Maths and Geography Lead

MR M FARLEY Y5 Class Teacher


MS M ASPINALL - Support staff

MISS D BOWERS -  Support staff & Asst. practitioner B&A Club

MRS E CAREY - Asst. practitioner B&A Club

MRS H CARRINGTON - Support staff

MS C COFFEY - Asst. practitioner B&A Club

MRS S CROSBY - Asst. practitioner B&A Club

MRS L GERRARD - Support & Lead Practitioner B&A Club


MRS R O'NEILL - HLTA, Deputy DSL & Nurture lead 

MRS J PERRINS - Support staff

MRS A PHILLIPS - Support staff

MRS M POLGAR - Support staff

MRS J SANTUS - Support staff


MRS H TRAYNOR - Support staff


MRS H SIVORI - Nursery Lead Practitioner, Pre-school

MISS A PERRINS - Nursery Deputy Lead Practitioner, Pre-school

MISS C SHARPLES - Nursery practitioner, Pre-school


MR C BITHELL - Business Manager

MR S MCNALLY - Caretaker

MRS A O'HALLORAN - Receptionist/Admin staff

MRS K SMITH - Admin Assistant



Mrs F Jackson (Headteacher) is the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for all concerns regarding Safeguarding, Mrs Bunting (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Styles (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs O'Neill (Nurture Lead) are Deputy DSLs in Mrs Jackson's absence.


Please contact any of them via school in confidence, if you have any concerns.


Our Safeguarding Statement is posted around school and available to review on our Parental Documents Page along with our Safeguarding Policy. CLICK HERE to be directed to it.
Please CLICK HERE to be directed to Wigan Safeguarding Children Board's web site for more information.
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